Globalizing Wellness

Localizing Solutions

WEI+ bridges the gap between international health brands and local consumer needs through our cross-border expertise, e-commerce prowess, and consumer-centric strategies.

What Drives Us

Our Purpose

We believe in health and wellness products should be accessible for all. We aim to fulfill our mission by utilizing advanced systems and data analytics, and providing a smooth entry point for global brands into China’s dynamic market.

Our Vision

WEI+ (WEIJIA E-COMMERCE LIMITED) envisions a future where geographical boundaries do not hinder access to innovative health solutions.

Our Journey

WEI+ was born from a recognition of the growing demand for international health products in China. We set out to create a seamless bridge between global innovations and Chinese consumers, leveraging the power of e-commerce to transcend geographical boundaries

Our Presence

We have established a strong foothold on major e-commerce platforms in China, including Tmall Global, JD Worldwide, and others.

Our Approach

01 - Curated Selection

We meticulously select international health and wellness brands that resonate with Chinese consumer needs and preferences.

02 - Consumer-Centric

Our decisions are guided by a deep understanding of local consumer trends and market insights, ensuring that we deliver products that truly meet the needs of our customers.

03 - E-Commerce Expertise

With our well-established presence on major platforms, we provide efficient and effective distribution channels for our partners' products.

04 - Regulatory Compliance

Navigating import regulations can be complex and challenging. Our dedicated team ensures strict compliance with all necessary standards, allowing our partners to focus on what they do best.

Explore Our Expertise